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Top 5 Signs Gun Control Movement is Dead in America

Gun control is the dead horse that liberals just don’t want to stop beating. They seem determined to abolish the Second Amendment at all costs, even their electoral chances in 2018. Every time Democrats force kids to conduct a gun control walkout, or a Democrat in Congress spouts that, “We don’t want to take away all of your guns,” Americans set a new all-time record for AR-15 sales.

A normal person would look at that and say, “Hey, perhaps I should examine my position based on its wildly unpopular reaction from a huge majority of Americans!”

Americans used to be more malleable when it comes to the Second Amendment. That was before we saw how Democrats actually feel about normal people, thanks to Twitter feeds. It was easier to convince normal people to go along with the 1993 “assault” weapons ban when the Democrat Party was able to keep its fringiest lunatics under lock and key (or in the position of Vice President of the United States).

Now that the Democrat Party’s fringe has easy access to Twitter, our blinders are off and normal people won’t be going along with any of their “sensible” gun control.

We know what they really mean when they say “sensible gun control.” Translation: Total gun confiscation followed by death camps for anyone who does not want to comply with the left’s transgender bathroom policies. Sorry, liberals. You don’t get to win on this cherished human right that Americans enjoy.

Want more evidence that the gun control movement is dead in America? Check out our favorite loud and sarcastic conservative hero Stephen Crowder as he runs down the top 5 signs that gun control is dead.

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10 Responses

  1. What is it about the line in the Second Amendment that states: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED?

  2. This is common sense. It appears that many people are starting to see the logic.

  3. If people think proponents of gun control are dead they better think again. 2A Supporters should be taking this time to ammo,up and get prepared for another assault against our 2A rights.

  4. While it’s true that we are holding our own on the national level the raging Liberal states, and even some “moderate” states are passing state level draconian gun laws limiting magazine capacity, semi-automatic rifles, non-reciprocity of CC permits, and restrictions on open and concealed carry. It’s great to be a member of the NRA, NAGR and GOA (I’m a member of all three), but you also have to get involved on your state level. Every state has a state level gun rights organization . . . join, donate and be active or we will find ourselves out of luck before we realize it.

  5. Let them THINK the can Ban Our Weapons but when Push Comes to Shove they will have a Hard Time TAKING Our Weapons…
    These people that want to Dis-Arm Law Abiding Citizens can Pass All The Laws that they Want To, but “Shall Not Infringe” makes Those Laws Illegal and Ignorable, IMO.!!!

  6. We can not let our guard down. This will continue on so we must be ready to respond to all the allegations they sling at us and put them back into place. And what part of “Shall Not Be Infringed upon” do they not understand.

  7. These gun control nuts are just that nuts! Even if the second amendment were to no longer exist guns in America would still be here. It would mostly be the crooks who had them but they would still be here. There would be many who are now considered law abiding who would also still have them as well. There may very well be over a hundred million new outlaws. No one can ever successfully get rid of every gun in the United States of America. That is impossible. There is close to two hundred million gun owners. The average number of guns per person is said to be seven. Personally I think that is low. I personally have more then that and know many people who have well over fifty. And then it is also said the average number of rounds per gun per owner is between 80 and a 100. That also seems low. Here again I personally know of people who have thousands of rounds per gun. They also reload themselves. However do the math and it immediately becomes impossible to get the guns and ammo out of circulation. If in fact the people refuse to cooperate.

    The United states of America is an armed nation and being armed serves a great many purposes. Certainly to many to list in a paragraph or two.

    On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and were contemplating attacking the mainland with ground forces if successful. They were successful but decided not to attack the mainland. That decision was made because the United states of America is an armed nation. So just the threat of a gun behind ever blade of grass (their description of America not mine) was enough of a deterrent to prevent an attack. Furthermore, if it were not for the second amendment it is obvious to most thinking Americans neither the constitution or free enterprise would exist in this country today. Especially after the last administration. And what we have discovered about that administration lately. Make no mistake these oppressive socialist who call themselves democrats want the guns gone and it is obvious why. No dictatorship ever formed in an armed nation. The guns were always confiscated first. Furthermore, the dictator, usually if not always, rounded up those he considered his enemies (whether they were or not made no difference) and had them systematically murdered. Somewhere between 170 million and 260 million citizens of various countries were murdered by their own governments during the 20th century. That by-the-way does not count those killed in wars. That 20th century was the bloodiest century in mankind’s history. The attempted taking of the guns from law abiding citizens in America could and possibly would make the 21 century the bloodiest in mankind’s history. Perhaps you can imagine why. I can!

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